I Want to Appeal the Decision of the Zoning Administrator on a Waiver or Warrant

  1. An appeal of the final decision/determination of the Planning Director must be taken to the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board (PZAB) within fifteen (15) calendar days of the posting of the decision. The appeal must be filed with the Office of Hearing Boards.
  2. Contact Olga Zamora, Hearing Boards (OZamora@miamigov.com 305-416-2037) and Lakisha Gray, Hearing Boards (LGray@miamigov.com  305-416-2036) and copy Anthony Balzebre 305-250-5333 (ABalzebre@miamigov.com) and advise them that an appeal for a waiver or warrant decision is being requested.
  3. The appellant must send or submit in person a certified letter to the following address: Olga Zamora, Hearing Boards, City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department, 444 2nd Ave 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130.
  4. The letter should state that you are appealing the waiver or warrant decision. Include the waiver or warrant number, intent of waiver or warrant, etc. (if you were not properly notified, include that as well).  The letter should also include appellant’s contact information (phone numbers, emails, etc.). If possible, please include a copy of the waiver or warrant.
  5. The appellant should send a copy of the original appeal letter, any supporting documents, and a copy of the FedEx tracking number of the appeal letter via email to Olga, Lakisha and Anthony.  This way there will be proof both physically and electronically that an appeal was requested.
  6. After the letter is received by the city, the appellant should receive a notice for the hearing.
  7. The PZAB shall determine at a public hearing at City Hall whether the Warrant is upheld or rescinded. (Please note that in the event a decision on a Waiver or Warrant is appealed, the project will be placed on hold pending determination).
  8. Please see our “Tips for Appealing a Decision at the PZAB” toolkit link for help in building your case.
  9. Should the appellant’s appeal be denied by the Planning and Zoning Appeals Board, a second appeal may be filed with the City Commission.




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